
The Locations section lists the work locations and vacancies for the job.

Current fields


Indicates the street address (if provided), city, and state of the work location.

Required by USAJOBS


Required by Policy



Indicates the number of vacancies at that location. Can also be provided as the total number of vacancies across all locations.

Required by USAJOBS

Yes - The total number of vacancies is required. It is not required to provide the number of vacancies at each location.

Required by Policy


Location within area

Indicates if the applicant must live within the associated location(s). When true the commute distance of that area must also be specified.

NOTE: This is a new field and may not yet be offered by your Talent Acquisition System (TAS). Work with your vendor in order to be able to use this field.

Required by USAJOBS

No. But if you include this, you must include the commute distance too. See commute distance.

Required by Policy



  • Use this field only when absolutely necessary. Applicants are often confused about whether they must move to the area before applying or after they accept the job.

Do Not

  • Do not use the commuting area to deter applicants.

Commute distance

Defines the commuting area in miles from the center of the location that the agency has identified in their merit promotion plan.

NOTE: This is a new field and may not yet be offered by your Talent Acquisition System (TAS). Work with your vendor in order to be able to use this field.

Required by USAJOBS

This is conditional. Include commute distance only when Within area is true.

Required by Policy


Relocation expenses reimbursed

Indicates if the applicant will be reimbursed for moving expenses related to relocation for this job. Formerly named Relocation Authorized.

Required by USAJOBS


Required by Policy

No, but strongly recommended.


  • Use this field to provide this information.

Do Not

  • Do not include this information in other sections of the job announcement.

Telework eligible

Indicates if the applicant may be able to telework.

NOTE: This is a new field and may not yet be offered by your Talent Acquisition System (TAS). Work with your vendor in order to be able to use this field. There is an existing field however, that field is ignored. The new field will support a simple Yes or No indication.

Required by USAJOBS


Required by Policy

No. However, it is strongly encouraged to include this in the job announcement.


  • Use this field to provide this information.

Do Not

  • Do not include this information in other sections of the job announcement.

Questions? Concerns?

This site is a work in progress. We will continue to work on this content until it is as complete as possible. If you have questions or concerns about anything you read here, please reach out to your human resources director who can contact the Office of Personnel Management policy.

If you have comments about the site itself or suggestions on content to add please write to recruiter-help@opm.gov.