Help Center

How to update an application

You can update your application for the following types of opportunities:

  1. Details
  2. Laterals
  3. Department of State Unpaid Student Internships

Update your application for details and laterals

You can update an application for a detail or lateral opportunity, as long as it’s still open and accepting applications.

  1. Sign into Open Opportunities.
  2. Click on your name in the navigation—you will go to your landing page.
  3. Go to the list of opportunities under Participated.
  4. Find the detail or lateral you want to update and click the link—you’ll go to the opportunity detail page.
  5. Click Update application.
  6. Update your statement of interest or resume.
  7. Click Submit.

Update your USAJOBS profile and use your profile information to update your application

If you update your USAJOBS profile information AFTER you submit your application, and you want to use your updated profile information, you need to withdraw your application and create a new one. Creating a new application will pull over your updated USAJOBS profile information.