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How to complete and close out an opportunity or internship

To complete and close out an opportunity, you need to mark all of your participants as complete. Follow these steps:

  1. Sign into Open Opportunities and go to the Created opportunities section of your dashboard.
  2. Click the opportunity you want to complete and close.
  3. Click Task complete under each participant’s name who completed their work. The link label will change to Completed.
  4. Click Complete opportunity after you’ve marked each participant as complete and the work is done.

The opportunity status on your dashboard will change to Completed and we’ll update your profile with your achievement. The participant’s status will also change to Completed and they may receive a badge on their profile.

Watch this short video on how to complete an opportunity.

To complete and close out an internship, you need to mark all of your participants as complete. Follow these steps:

  1. Sign into Open Opportunities and go to the Created section of your dashboard.
  2. Click the opportunity you want to complete and close.
  3. Click Mark tasks complete under each participant’s name who completed their work. The link label will change to Tasks completed.
  4. Click Mark internship complete after you’ve marked each participant as complete and the work is done.

The internship status on your dashboard will change to Completed and we’ll update your profile with your achievement. The participant’s status will also change to Completed and they may receive a badge on their profile.

Complete the survey

Once you complete and close an opportunity or internship, you may receive an email with a link to a survey about your experience. Please take time to complete the survey. The participants may also receive an email with a survey.