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How to post to a community

A community is a group of Open Opportunity users who may belong to different agencies, but share a common goal or interest.

You can post an opportunity or internship to a specific community. When you post to a community, the opportunity or internship will appear on both the community search results and the main Open Opportunities search results. If you post to a “closed” community, the opportunity will only appear in that community and not in the main search results.

If you don’t select a community, the opportunity or internship will appear to all users.

To post an opportunity to a community

  1. Sign in to Open Opportunities.
  2. Click Create opportunity from the main search or landing page.
  3. Select Federal employees as the target audience.
  4. Select Yes to post the opportunity to a specific community.
  5. Select the community from the dropdown.
  6. Follow the remaining steps to create the opportunity and submit.

To post an internship to a community

  1. Sign in to Open Opportunities.
  2. Click Create opportunity from the main search or landing page.
  3. Select Students as the target audience.
  4. Select Yes to post the internship to a specific community.
  5. Select the community from the dropdown.
  6. Follow the remaining steps to create the internship and submit.