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How to update your privacy and email settings

You can update your privacy and email settings in your profile to control the information you share about yourself with other users and the types of emails you receive.

Privacy settings

By default, you will share all of your profile information. You must choose to turn off anything you don’t want to share.

To update your privacy settings and what you share:

  1. Go to your Profile.
  2. Click Edit under Privacy settings.
  3. Choose the information you want to share.
  4. Click Save.

Email settings

By default, you will not receive emails. You must opt-in to receive emails, such as Open Opportunities events. If you join a community within Open Opportunities, you will automatically receive community specific emails.

To update your email settings:

  1. Go to your Profile.
  2. Click Edit under Email settings.
  3. Select Receive all notifications to receive all email notifications, including events.