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How to save a search

You can save a search to help you look for opportunities or internships that interest you. When you save a search, we’ll look for opportunities or internships that match the keywords and other criteria in your search and email you when an opportunity or internship matches your search.

  • You can create and save up to 10 saved searches—a saved search will expire one year after you create it.
  • You can sign up to receive email notifications when an opportunity matches your search.
  • You can manage your saved searches in your profile.

To save a search and sign up for email notifications

Sign into Open Opportunities. If you don’t have a profile, you need to create one. Only signed-in users can save their search.

  1. Start a search by entering a keyword or location in the search box and click Search.
  2. Narrow your results using filters.
  3. Click Save this search on the search results page located above the search results.
  4. Name your search—this will help you manage your saved searches.
  5. Click Save.

Manage saved searches in your profile

You can manage your saved searches in the Saved searches section of your profile. You can have both active and archived saved searches.

  1. Sign into Open Opportunities and go to Saved searches, located on your Home page.
  2. Click the + next to a saved search to see more details.

From here you can:

Click View results to run the saved search and see your results.

Saved searches expire after one year and will automatically move into your archived list. Click Renew to renew your search for an additional year.

Click Edit to change your keywords, location or filters. You’ll have the option to save the updated search.

Sign up for email notifications

Select the Email notifications checkbox to receive an email notification when new opportunities that match your search are available.

You can only delete saved searches from your archived list.

  1. Go to your Archived saved searches and click the + next to the saved search you want to delete.
  2. Click Delete located under the Unarchive search button.

If you delete a saved search, we’ll remove it from your profile.

Click Archive to move the saved search to your archived list. You may want to archive a saved search if you’re no longer interested in the search, but you don’t want to delete it.